Nilson Homes

Spent $50 in ads to a quiz that generated a $10,000 real estate commission

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Northern Utah New Homes

Devi Cooper sells new homes in northern Utah for Nilson Homes.



Generate New Buyer Leads

Devi Cooper heard that quizzes were effective in generating real estate leads and wanted to try it out for herself.


Devi Cooper created a simple “Which neighborhood is right for you?” style quiz. She advertised it on Facebook and put her leads into a content nurture sequence. When leads would click to her website, she would do personal outreach and share incentives.


Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

Devi was able to generate $0.40 clicks to her quiz by using Facebook ads.

Email Nurture Campaign

Devi provided ongoing content and education through email follow up.

Email Nurture Campaign
Personal Follow Up

Personal Follow Up

Devi tracked which leads visited her website and did personal follow up with them.

Buyer Incentives

Devi teased different buyer incentives to generate consultations and ultimately close the sale.

Buyer Incentives



Commission On $50 In Ad Spend

Watch Testimonial Video

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